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Dare to Compare

Take the AQUA SOLUTIONS' Dare to Compare "800" Test

Just pick up your phone and dial 1-800-458-2021, Ext. 21, 9AM - 4:30 PM Eastern time, and see how long it takes to get connected to a real LIVE person who can help you.

Then, call one of the other guys and see how long it takes.

And, if you're lucky enough to get through to a "real live person", ask them a few POINTED QUESTIONS like:

  • • How long is your system warranty?
  • • Are your laboratory water purification systems manufactured in the USA?
  • • How much total ion exchange capacity do your Type I systems have, as measured in grains as CaCO3?
  • • Can you feed your Type I systems ordinary tap water? And, if so, how many parts per million TDS (total dissolved solids) can they tolerate?
  • • Do your Type I systems have CONTINUOUS (or intermittent) recirculation?
  • • Can you bench, shelf, or wall-mount your Type I and RO systems at no extra charge?
  • • Can you return the exhausted Type I DI modules or cartridges for $25 DISCOUNT COUPONS?

*Please email the results to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..